Statement of Faith

~I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. Who is the incarnation of the Living God and God, Himself, John 1:1.

~I believe in One God, in three Persons, Father-Son-Holy Spirit.

~I believe in the creation of mankind-male & female– intentionally, by the spoken Word of God, given life by the breath of God, created in the image of God.

~I believe that God is the originator and creator, by His Word, of all living things, including the cosmos and every living creature therein. All created by Him, through Him and for Him.

~I believe that in the beginning of the creation of mankind that sin entered into the world thru that one man’s disobedience and therefore sin entered into the entire human race with no way of redemption or healing except thru the shed blood of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

~I believe that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but come to everlasting life.

~I believe that God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it but that it might be saved thru Him.

~I believe in God’s mercy that triumphed over judgment in the death of His Son on the cross and that He extends it to the entire human race and is longsuffering because He does not want anyone to perish but wills that all come to repentance.

~I believe that in order to be saved from your sin and the penalty of it, which is death and eternal separation from God in hell, you must call upon the name of Jesus and put your faith in His blood alone.

~I believe that good works do not bring salvation, not any merit of our own, but only thru trust in Jesus and His finished work.

~I believe in the Holy Spirit of God and that upon confession of faith in Jesus, He comes to indwell the believer and manifest Himself thru regeneration of the human spirit and a transformed life.

~I believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit in which He comes upon the believer in power for service and to be a witness of Jesus Christ. I believe that He endues the believer with a heavenly language of other tongues and intercedes on their behalf.

~I believe that Jesus Christ was crucified for the sins of the entire world, beaten, bruised and hung on a Roman cross. I believe He died as a substitute to pay the penalty of sin for the entire human race. I believe that He breathed His last and was buried in a borrowed tomb. I believe that He descended into hell to pay the penalty for sin and after three days, God raised Him from the dead, bodily. I believe that he is now seated at the right hand of God, ruling and reigning with all things subject to His Lordship, including demons and Satan himself and has bequeathed that authority to those who believe in Him. I believe that Jesus will return to the earth to gather those who have trusted in His name and after that will unleash tribulation on the earth as the judgment for their refusal to believe that Jesus was the Christ and only hope of salvation. Anyone not found in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity.

~I believe that God sits over the affairs of men to rule according to His will and is Sovereign over all.

~I believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of the living God and was written by men as they were moved on by the Holy Spirit. It chronicles the history of mankind and their relationship to God and His redemptive plan throughout history.

~I believe that the devil, Satan, the wicked one, is a created being and unequal to God and subject to Him.

~I believe that the whole world is under the sway of Satan and deceived by him until they hear the gospel of God’s grace, put their trust is Jesus Christ, at which time, that person comes out from under the power of the devil, is illuminated and empowered to overcome his devices.

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