Depression is NOT a sin!!

When people of faith struggle with depression sometimes they can feel like they have lost their faith and like they don’t love God as much as people who seem not to have a care in the world. These feelings can cause us to sink deeper into depression and is actually a lie of the enemy to cause us greater distress.

I want to invite you to watch this video about depression and some of the ways we can deal with it and begin to feel better again. One of the things this video will NOT do is condemn you if you have struggled in the area of depression. But the hope is that you will be encouraged in your faith and in your heart.

I invite you to send me an email and let me know if the information in the video was helpful and share some of the ways you may have dealt with depression and what helped you.

With sincere love and care for your life,




One response to “Depression is NOT a sin!!”

  1. Hello Crisie,

    Thank you so much for addressing the Body Of Christ on depression. I work as an Administrative Assistant for a behavioral health office. There has been so many times that Christains come in and say I’m not crazy I just need someone to talk to. Christians come in our office looking for that accepttance and a nonjudgmental place to talk. I always let them know that we All at one point in time in our life need someone to talk to or even meds for that chemical imbalance. I have learned so much in working in the office.

    Yes I have dealt with depression but at the time didn’t know what it really was. That is actually when I began my love for running. Running allowed me to listen to worship music, pray in the Spirit and clear my mind. I began to run longer mileage just to have that time to worship with no one around. Go figure I would find a place to work in behavioral health after running for 10 years and understanding some things that was going on in my life. I had to have some chains broken in my life that had been a pattern in my family. I still have to renew my mind daily to continue the life God destined for me. The Word of God has life changing power but we should always seek more help from others when needed and not feel condeemed.

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