It Only Takes a Flicker to Light the Way

2020 has been a tough year for the whole human race and some more than others. How has it been for you? For your family and where you are in the world?

COVID-19 has changed everything about our world and how we interact together. We’ve learned to appreciate even the smallest freedoms and indulgences. We’ve learned that “together” is life-giving and isolation not so live-giving. To be still is life and to slow down and rest is needful! We’ve gained a deeper understanding of what matters most in life.

Our world has become unpredictable in so many ways and 2020 has proven that none of us is in control.

But, we know WHO is!!!

One of the most significant impacts of this year’s events has been in the Church. Although we’ve seen divisions over racial injustice, politics, and social justice even in the Church, the way in which we function as the Church in the world is changing. And I believe it’s for the GOOD!

We are now living outside the four walls of a building and engaging people in our cities, neighborhoods, and the world like never before.


We’ve awakened to the fact that the Church is not a building but a people!

And that’s the way God always intended it. Although I do believe times will get tougher, Jesus even said so in Matthew 24. But in the midst of it all, His people will shine brighter! (Isaiah 60).

Jesus called us “the light of the world” in Matthew 5:14. I believe that truth is taking on a more powerful meaning as we’ve seen gross darkness arise in our world. As a follower of Jesus, you may feel overwhelmed, but please take heart, it only takes a flicker to light the way!

You may even feel like 2020 has all but snuffed out your light, your joy, and your hope, but lean into this amazing truth from Jesus in Matthew 12:20,

“A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench,
Till He sends forth justice to victory;

You may feel like you are barely lit, but Jesus ensures, in the scripture above, that He will not leave you that way. He will not allow you to be put out but will reignite the flame of your first love and you will burn again!! If you’re bruised, you will not break but be restored!!

My hope is that as you embrace our “new normal” God will direct your heart for your own life and your family. Whether that part is grand or simple, the impact is just as great!

Let Christ be Glorified in All!


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