Random Thoughts on a Rainy Autumn Day

This season of my life has brought about many changes. Good changes. God changes. There’s peace here. And lots of it. Days are not as busy and hurried as they used to be. But still my mind has not caught up to the pace of my life. I still overthink, over compensate and have a rush of thoughts in my mind, it seems, all the time.

Things I want to accomplish to bring my environment up to the speed of my life, which is slower, less cluttered and simple. That is my primary goal now as we’re caring for my mother and I find it challenging to make space for myself. In my head and in my home. It’s quite an adjustment, but one I’m honored to make.

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

My worship of God has changed as well. I’m less frantic about whether or not I’m doing my part well enough and I’m trusting the Holy Spirit more with that process. After all, He promises me that what He started, He will finish (Phil. 1:6) I believe this is more what God desires from me. More trust, less striving.

Isn’t that what we are all trying to achieve? More peace, less struggle. Maybe that’s my age talking, but so be it. It matters not to me, where everyone else is in their life, compared to me. Comparison is a thief that steals our hearts, dreams, focus and passion. What does it accomplish but make us ungrateful for who and where we are and what we have.

I won’t do it! Not anymore!

Photo by Kristin Brown on Unsplash

Oh, the wisdom we gain as we age and have some life experience under out belt. The things we don’t worry about because we know “this too shall pass” and God will make sure we come out victorious. And even if we don’t win, per se, we win because of the great understanding we gain about our Creator and ourselves and, yes, others.

We learn that others are as broken as we are and there is no competition, and if we champion one another, we all come out winners and the better for having been broken. Compassion becomes our heart stance and mercy toward ourselves and others becomes the gift we willingly and abundantly give away!

Photo by Amy Gatenby on Unsplash

Life is simpler at this age. But there is a drawback, it takes a lot of fumbling to come to this place of peace. Many mistakes and heartaches that bring about this kind of humility. But I can honestly say at this juncture, I’m grateful for it all. So grateful!

Photo by allison christine on Unsplash

May Christ be glorified in all,


4 responses to “Random Thoughts on a Rainy Autumn Day”

  1. I felt peace reading through this. Great reminders.

    1. Thank you so much. I’m so blessed by your comment.

  2. Thank you ..I love this it truly blessed me..

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